Afghan-Balochistan Drylands, Mountain Meadows & Conifer Forests bioregion

The bioregion’s land area is provided in units of 1,000 hectares. The conservation target is the combined Global Safety Net (GSN1) areas for the component ecoregions. The protection level indicates the percentage of the GSN goal that is currently protected on a scale of 0-10. N/A means data is not available at this time.

  • 78,022
    Total Land Area (1000 ha)
  • 8
    Number of Ecoregions
  • 8%
    Protection Target
  • 2
    Protection Level

The Afghan-Balochistan Drylands, Mountain Meadows & Conifer Forests bioregion is part of the Persian Deserts & Forests subrealm located in the Central Eurasia realm (central Palearctic). It contains eight ecoregions—East Afghan Montane Conifer Forests (694), Ghorat-Hazarajat Alpine Meadow (752), Sulaiman Range Alpine Meadows (766), Afghan Mountains Semi-Desert (807), Badghyz and Karabil Semi-Desert (813), Balochistan Xeric Woodlands (814), Central Afghan Mountains Xeric Woodlands (816), Paropamisus Xeric Woodlands (834)—totaling approximately 78 million hectares of land area.

The Afghan-Balochistan Drylands, Mountain Meadows & Conifer Forests bioregion is part of the Persian Deserts & Forests subrealm and is made up of eight ecoregions: (1) Badghyz and Karabil Semi-Desert (2) Paropamisus Xeric Woodlands (3) Afghan Mountains Semi-Desert (4) Ghorat-Hazarajat Alpine Meadow (5) Central Afghan Mountains Xeric Woodlands (6) East Afghan Montane Conifer Forests (7) Sulaiman Range Alpine Meadows (8) Balochistan Xeric Woodlands.

Learn more about each of the Afghan-Balochistan Drylands, Mountain Meadows & Conifer Forests ecoregions below.

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