One Earth utilizes these 14 realm divisions – further divided into 52 subrealms, 185 bioregions, and 844 ecoregions – as a framework to better understand the natural world that surrounds us.
Adriatic Sea & Central Mediterranean Mixed Forests (PA19)
Aegean Sea & East Mediterranean Mixed Forests (PA18)
Afghan-Balochistan Drylands, Mountain Meadows & Conifer Forests (PA30)
Alps & Po Basin Mixed Forests (PA13)
Altai Mountains & Ermin Valley (PA37)
Amsterdam-Saint Paul Islands (AT3)
Andean Mountain Forests & Valleys (NT11)
Andean Mountain Grasslands (NT5)
Antarctic Peninsula & Scotia Sea (AN2)
Appalachia & Allegheny Interior Forests (NA24)
Arakan Mountains & Northern Triangle Forests (IM10)
Baja California & Southern Deserts (NA30)
Balearic Sea & West Mediterranean Mixed Forests (PA20)
Baltic Sea & Sarmatic Mixed Forests (PA11)
Black Sea, Caucasus-Anatolian Mixed Forests & Steppe (PA17)
Borneo Tropical Forests & Sundaland Heath Forests (IM16)
Brazilian Atlantic Dry Forests (NT15)
Brazilian Atlantic Moist Forests (NT14)
Canadian Shield & Coastal Taiga-Forests (NA9)
Carpathian Mountain & Plains Mixed Forests (PA14)
Cascades Mountain Forests & Valleys (NA16)
Caspian Sea, Coastal Deserts & Kopet Dagh Mountain Woodlands (PA33)
Central Amazonian Forests (NT19)
Central American Isthmian & Colombian Coastal Forests (NT24)
Central American Mixed Forests (NT25)
Central Asian Deserts & Riparian Woodlands (PA32)
Central Congolian Tropical Forests (AT14)
Central Indian Ocean Islands (IM1)
Central Polynesian Islands (OC4)
Chang Jiang Plain Evergreen Forests (PA50)
Chilean Matorral Shrublands & Savanna (NT6)
Colorado Plateau & Mountain Forests (NA19)
Columbia Plateau & Blue Mountains (NA17)
Coral Sea & New Caledonia Islands (AU10)
Dinaric Mountains & Balkan Mixed Forests (PA15)
Dzhagdy Mountain Conifer Forests (PA45)
East African Coastal Forests (AT7)
East Australian Mediterranean Woodlands & Temperate Savannas (AU4)
East Australian Temperate Forests & Mountain Shrublands (AU3)
East Eurasian Coastal Tundra (PA5)
East Micronesian Islands (OC7)
Ecuadorean Dry Coastal Forests & Flooded Grasslands (NT10)
European Interior Mixed Forests (PA12)
Far Northern Pacific Coast (NA5)
Fiji & Tongan Tropical Islands (OC6)
Great Basin & Columbia Steppe (NA18)
Great Britain, Ireland & Faroe Islands (PA9)
Greater African Subequatorial Savannas & Mixed Woodlands (AT11)
Greater Alaska Taiga & Tundra (NA4)
Greater Australian Interior Desert & Shrublands (AU7)
Greater Deccan-Sri Lankan Forests & Drylands (IM8)
Greater Karoo & Kalahari Drylands (AT9)
Greater Rockies & Mountain Forests (NA13)
Greater Tibetan Plateau Alpine Meadows & Shrublands (PA40)
Guam & Marianas Dry Tropical Islands (OC9)
Guianan Forests & Savanna (NT21)
Guizhou & Yunnan Subtropical Forest Plateaus (PA52)
Gulf of Guinea Coastal Forests & Mangroves (AT17)
Hawai’i Tropical Islands (OC11)
Hengduan Mountain Conifer Forests (PA53)
Himalayan Mixed Forests & Grasslands (IM5)
Himalayan-Pamir Alpine Shrub & Meadows (PA41)
Indian Dry Deciduous Forests (IM3)
Indian Tropical Coastal Forests (IM2)
Indochina Mixed Forests & Peatlands (IM12)
Interior Plateau & Southern Great Lakes Forests (NA23)
Irrawaddy & North Indochina Mixed Forests (IM11)
Javan-Bali Tropical Rainforests (IM17)
Juan Fernández & Desventuradas Islands (NT7)
Junggar Semi-Desert & Ermin Valley Steppe (PA38)
Kazakh Forest Steppe & Grasslands (PA34)
Korean Peninsula Mixed Forests (PA48)
Lake Turkana-Sudd Grasslands, Bushlands & Forests (AT21)
Loess Plateau & Huang He Plain Mixed Forests (PA49)
Lord Howe & Norfolk Islands (AU2)
Madeira Evergreen Island (PA22)
Manchuria-Ussuri Mixed Forests & Meadow Steppes (PA46)
Mandara Mountain & North Congolian Forest-Savannas (AT16)
Marquesas Tropical Islands (OC2)
Mascarene Tropical Forest Islands (AT4)
Mexican Dry & Coniferous Forests (NT28)
Mexican Subtropical Islands (NT29)
Mid-Canada Boreal Plains & Foothill Forests (NA8)
Midwestern Tallgrass Prairie & Forest Transition (NA21)
Mongolian Grasslands, Alpine Meadows & Forest Steppe (PA44)
Myanmar Coastal Rainforests & Andaman Sea Islands (IM9)
Nansei Islands Subtropical Evergreen Forests (IM14)
New Guinea & Surrounding Islands (AU13)
North Australian Tropical Savannas (AU8)
North Congolian Lowland Forests (AT15)
North Indian Tropical Forests & Sundarbans (IM6)
North Indomalayan Deserts & Scrub Forest (IM4)
Northeastern American Mixed Forests (NA10)
Northern Amazonian Forests (NT20)
Northern Deccan & Odisha Tropical Forests (IM7)
Northern Great Lakes Forests (NA11)
Northern Prairie & Aspen Forests (NA12)
Northern Sahara Deserts, Savannas & Marshes (PA24)
Northwest Canadian Taiga, Lakes, & Wetlands (NA7)
Northwest Intermountain Conifer Forests (NA14)
Ogasawara Subtropical Islands (OC10)
Ordos Plateau Steppe & Mountain Conifer Forests (PA42)
Pacific Northwest Coastal Forests (NA15)
Palau & Caroline Tropical Islands (OC8)
Pantanal Flooded Grasslands & Dry Forests (NT12)
Patagonia Steppe & Low Mountains (NT2)
Peninsular Malaysian & Sumatran Tropical Rainforests (IM18)
Persian Deserts & Mountain Woodlands (PA29)
Philippines & Sulu Sea Tropical Forests (IM15)
Pontic Steppe Grasslands (PA16)
Queensland Tropical Rainforests & Savannas (AU9)
Red Sea, Arabian Deserts & Salt Marshes (PA26)
Rio de la Plata Grasslands (NT3)
Russian Arctic Desert Islands (PA1)
Salas y Gómez & Easter Islands (OC1)
Samoa & West Polynesian Tropical Islands (OC5)
Sayan Mountain Conifer Forests, Alpine Meadows & Steppe (PA36)
Scandinavian Birch & Coastal Conifer Forests (PA3)
Sea of Okhotsk Coastal Taiga, Meadows & Tundra (PA6)
Seychelles & Comoros Tropical Islands (AT5)
Siberian Boreal Forests & Mountain Tundra (PA7)
Siberian Hemiboreal Forests & Steppe (PA35)
Sichuan Basin & Central Mountain Forests (PA51)
Sierra Madre Forests & Mexican Drylands (NA29)
South African Cape Shrublands & Mountain Forests (AT2)
South American Coastal Deserts (NT8)
South Australian Mediterranean Forests, Woodlands & Scrub (AU5)
South Caspian Coastal & Mountain Mixed Forests (PA28)
South China Subtropical Evergreen & Monsoon Forests (IM13)
South Congolian Forest-Savannas & Coastal Scarp (AT13)
South Mediterranean Mixed Woodlands & Forests (PA23)
South Red Sea & Gulf of Aden Coastal Drylands (AT22)
Southeast African Subtropical Grasslands (AT8)
Southeast Indonesian Dry Forest Islands (AU15)
Southeast Polynesian Islands (OC3)
Southeast Savannas & Riparian Forests (NA25)
Southern Amazonian Forests (NT17)
Southern Mixed Forests & Blackland Prairies (NA28)
Southern Prairie Mixed Grasslands (NA20)
Southern Sahara Deserts & Mountain Woodlands (PA25)
Southwest African Coastal Drylands (AT10)
St. Helena & Ascension Islands (AT18)
Subantarctic Antipodes Islands (AU16)
Subantarctic Indian Ocean Islands (AN3)
Sulawesi & Maluku Islands (AU14)
Taklimakan Desert & Lowland Deciduous Forests (PA39)
Tian Shan-Pamir Grasslands, Mountain Steppe & Conifer Forests (PA31)
Tristan Volcanic Islands (AT1)
Ural Mountains & West Eurasian Taiga Forests (PA8)
Victoria Basin & Albertine Rift Forests (AT12)
West African Coastal Forests & Savanna (AT19)
West Australian Dry Coastal Shrublands (AU6)
West European Coastal Mixed Forests (PA10)
Western Amazonian Forests & Plains (NT18)
Western Gulf Coastal Grasslands (NA27)